We know that running a camp involves a lot of moving parts. In fact, we had just this thought in mind when we designed CampSite. In addition to a comprehensive camp management platform, we also wanted to offer a feature that would really help our users run better businesses. The solution: to offer camp administrative reports that are easy to access and understand.
Administrative Reports Customized for Your Camp
We’ve made highly customizable reporting available in various modules throughout the CampSite admin dash. Because of this, it’s an easy task to sort an abundance of data into manageable, digestible segments using fields and filters. Without a fast and efficient reporting feature it’s difficult and time-consuming to pool and analyze data manually. Even more, it becomes nearly impossible to design an effective strategy that will help you run (and grow!) your best camp.
While you’ll find many useful opportunities to run reports throughout our admin dashboard, let’s explore a few user-favorites:
Financial Reports
It shouldn’t be a surprise that financial reports are critical if you want to understand the health of your camp. With our built-in reporting system, your administrative team can determine earnings for individual camp programs, view how many/which families have a due balance, and check the status of electronic payments that you’ve processed over your payment gateway – just for starters! So, make some appointments on your calendar to check in with your financials on a routine basis. The more you become familiar with the information, the easier it will be to track and understand changes over time!
Staff Reports
Even if you don’t have a human resources department, you can still get organized and track your staff effectively. Our advanced staff reporting tool is capable of sorting staff members into several segments, starting with session and employment status. From there, you can narrow down your results using a variety of demographic options. Plus, there are options to pull staff based on salary, availability, experience, and so much more. This robust tool makes it easy to view and manage your staff according to your camp’s current needs.
Camper Reports
One of the most sought-after features of CampSite is the camper and family reporting tool. Our easy-to-use report builder allows you to create and run customized reports on groups of campers. This tool is designed to help you gather data on a wide range of variables. You can pull campers with a list of specific allergies, see who ordered certain enrollment extras, and even identify which campers still have missing forms. A thorough understanding of your camper demographics will hugely impact the effectiveness of your marketing, fundraising, camp programs, and more!
Donation Reports
Many camps steadfastly rely on donations as a major source of income to help maintain and run camp year after year. If you’re among those camps, it’s important to keep track of who your donors are and what their donation history is. With our donation reporting feature, you can easily pull reports on any payments your donors have made – whether towards a specific family’s balance or general donations to your overall camp. This information can help you expand your donor pool and segment donors into their own campaigns.
Reporting is simply a tool your camp just can’t do without any longer! With CampSite’s vast reporting capabilities, it’s easier than ever to get the information you need to run your best camp. As we head toward another busy season, there’s no better time than now to keep the benefits of camp administrative reports in mind!
Is your camp ready for a free demo of our game-changing camp management software? Contact us today!
Explore all of the features CampSite has to offer your camp here!